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National Quality Framework
Have you heard about the National Quality Framework?
You may have heard about the new National Quality Framework (NQF). It introduces improved child to educator ratios, new qualification requirements for educators and a focus on learning outcomes. The NQF covers most long day care, preschool, outside school hours and family day care services across Australia. The Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) oversees these changes nationally for the benefit of families. Working with state and territory governments, ACECQA aims to ensure the best possible start in life for children in approved services.
Assessment of services
Under the NQF, services are assessed against seven quality areas in the new National Quality Standard (NQS). Different rating levels can be awarded for each quality area, as well as an overall rating. Most services are likely to be rated Working Towards, Meeting, or Exceeding the NQS. Services must meet every element in all 18 standards to receive a rating of Meeting National Quality Standard. Some services may take time to achieve the rating of Meeting. Individual quality areas or standards may be rated as Exceeding the NQS, however the overall service rating may be quite different. Education and care services performing well across a number of quality areas may receive an overall rating of Working Towards.
Quality Improvement Plan
As part of the Assessment and Ratings process Bright Stars Family Day Care has written it’s Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) The QIP provides an opportunity for the service to self- reflect on its delivery of quality education and care and to plan for future improvements. The QIP is available for families to view at the Bright Stars Office or a copy can be forwarded to families on request.
Sydney Family Day Care NQF Rating
Sydney Family Day Care has not been assessed under the new National Quality Framework and currently holds a rating of Provisional Rating.
Early Years Learning Framework for Australia – EYLF
My Time, Our Place
The Framework for School Age Care builds on the Early Years Learning Framework and extends the principles, practice and outcomes to accommodate the contexts and age range of the children and young people who attend school age care settings.
My Time, Our Place – Framework for School Age Care in Australia will form part of the Council of Australian Government’s reform agenda for childhood education and care and will be a key component of the Australian Government’s National Quality Framework for childhood education and care.
It will be incorporated in the National Quality Standard in order to ensure delivery of nationally consistent and quality school age care across sectors and jurisdictions.
The Framework will ensure that children in school age care will have opportunities to engage in leisure and play-based experiences which are responsive to the needs, interests, and choices of the children attending the service and contribute fully to their ongoing development.
It will support and provide guidance to educators working with school age children in outside school hours care, long day care, and family daycare settings.
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